Mobroute GTFS Routing Tests Summary

This page is a summary of automated test results for select metros with Mobroute's Routing API.

The purpose of this page is not to provide a comprehensive overview of all supported metros; but rather to provide a quick overview of some supported metros & routing capabilities from a development perspective. And additionally here we flag 'known good' / 'working with Mobroute' feeds by MDBID for end-users. Any GTFS feed in the Mobility database conforming to spec should route similarly with Mobroute (so if you don't see an example for your metro here, dont fret! The feeds here are just a *very small* subset of supported feeds).

Feed ID Country Municipality Name From To Response Map Request Perf Load Perf Compute Perf Memload Perf Memload (len) Perf CSA Route # Transfers Route Duration
1270 PL Kraków Zarząd Transportu Publicznego w Krakowie (ZTP Kraków): Tram 19.88192, 50.012338 20.02387, 50.08785 JSON Response Map URL
6.55610609s 3.095382265s C: 81.465955ms, T: 5.212324ms, Wf: 2.576751ms, Wt: 2.553886ms, Cv: 2.267447ms C: 9155, T: 343, Wf: 343, Wt: 343 2.722908ms 0 4168
516 US New York City MTA New York City Transit (MTA): NYC Subway -74.00537, 40.7094 -73.95215, 40.72879 JSON Response Map URL
7.324992903s 3.492348655s C: 207.89655ms, T: 9.315905ms, Wf: 2.883172ms, Wt: 2.773313ms, Cv: 798.975µs C: 27223, T: 1115, Wf: 499, Wt: 499 3.612592ms 2 2264
509 US New Jersey New Jersey Transit (NJ Transit): Rail -74.7995, 39.6317 -75.0618, 39.9778 JSON Response Map URL
2.431742939s 317.055551ms C: 14.913846ms, T: 2.121788ms, Wf: 878.063µs, Wt: 860.413µs, Cv: 604.049µs C: 2054, T: 228, Wf: 228, Wt: 228 374.859µs 0 2843
1088 BE Bruxelles Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles/Maatschappij voor het Intercommunaal Vervoer te Brussel (STIB/MIVB) 4.351426, 50.85728 4.350534, 50.83214 JSON Response Map URL
13.552181325s 8.455132414s C: 341.62147ms, T: 11.101932ms, Wf: 8.623683ms, Wt: 8.785982ms, Cv: 1.314862ms C: 42331, T: 2421, Wf: 2421, Wt: 2421 12.679929ms 0 920
1898 FR Bourges Agglobus 2.40154, 47.07199 2.41974, 47.10811 JSON Response Map URL
1.702075309s 579.882396ms C: 19.684729ms, T: 2.944947ms, Wf: 2.355985ms, Wt: 2.307828ms, Cv: 1.173923ms C: 81, T: 327, Wf: 327, Wt: 327 295.962µs 0 2207
1032 PT Lisboa Carris -9.1725, 38.7376 -9.14646, 38.72329 JSON Response Map URL
14.764046578s 6.85024232s C: 214.108821ms, T: 11.668237ms, Wf: 8.866996ms, Wt: 16.318207ms, Cv: 1.04421ms C: 21854, T: 2330, Wf: 2330, Wt: 2330 8.970811ms 0 2329
767 CZ Praha, hlavní mešto Prazska integrovana doprava (PID) 14.4732, 50.0767 14.369, 50.106 JSON Response Map URL
30.442257822s 45.054738695s C: 425.695574ms, T: 1.65914103s, Wf: 53.2653ms, Wt: 51.858155ms, Cv: 1.747407ms C: 61186, T: 405790, Wf: 16807, Wt: 16807 224.086302ms 1 2733
524 US New York City NY Waterway, Shore Line East, Metro-North Railroad, MNR Hudson Rail Link -73.8202, 40.9599 -73.6192, 41.3942 JSON Response Map URL
7.322800029s 3.758635514s C: 7.784106ms, T: 108.742286ms, Wf: 570.209µs, Wt: 548.251µs, Cv: 1.245521ms C: 1036, T: 18799, Wf: 114, Wt: 114 1.456346ms 1 4700
660 AU Adelaide Adelaide Metro 138.8789, -35.0435 138.575316, -34.919223 JSON Response Map URL
14.849217705s 19.315023541s C: 308.130986ms, T: 67.512261ms, Wf: 30.340944ms, Wt: 29.208714ms, Cv: 6.525733ms C: 51801, T: 8268, Wf: 7559, Wt: 7559 31.310213ms 2 6368
1828 TR Izmit IZBAN: Rail 27.3072, 38.2094 27.157, 38.4222 JSON Response Map URL
485.448778ms 1.84442848s C: 14.995329ms, T: 1.163532ms, Wf: 377.802µs, Wt: 358.558µs, Cv: 1.144999ms C: 1319, T: 41, Wf: 41, Wt: 41 176.587µs 0 3034
509 + 516 US + US New Jersey + New York City New Jersey Transit (NJ Transit): Rail + MTA New York City Transit (MTA): NYC Subway -73.93799, 40.64809 -74.12064, 40.82732 JSON Response Map URL
169.777451ms 151.316979ms C: 242.0296ms, T: 349.770793ms, Wf: 40.922808ms, Wt: 39.70106ms, Cv: 1.866644ms C: 29277, T: 6518, Wf: 727, Wt: 727 6.571309ms 2 8069